Let’s go to Poland!

I used to think Poland was sad!

Hello! I’m Alessia Dapoto and I’m 16. I attend Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei, in Potenza (Italy), which is a city in the Southern part of Italy. Do you want to listen to a story about knights, love and epic adventures? Well, you’re not in the right place then! Because I’m going to talk about Poland now. Are you ready? Let’s start!

“Let’s go to Poland!” Once my Maths teacher said. Well, this school trip was completely unexpected! I couldn’t trust him, because it sounded like a fairy tale… but it was absolutely… real! ETN company (set in Potenza and other European cities) had organized this European school project and we had to go to a meeting in order to talk about the Italian school system, our school and something about Maths applied in real life (functions, graphs and linear regression). To tell you the truth, I was buzzing, couldn’t wait!, because it was just the second time abroad for me (the first had been some days before, when I went to England on a school trip with my whole class). So we prepared an oral and digital presentation and we were ready for Poland, from 5th to 7th June.

Now I want to share with you the most astonishing thing that I found in Poznan (the Poland city where we stayed). Well, you know, people are used to saying that the atmosphere in Northern countries is sad and dull and so on, right? At least sadder than the Italian one. This could be true – and I don’t want to gossip, but I have witnesses who came from Sweden who told me just that! But then something unexpected happened. Something I had never imagined. I went to the city centre (the Market Square), and I found something which blew my mind! Breathtaking. There was a square. A huge square with a light blue sky on it, no clouds and a happy shining sun. And it had loads of flats all around it. But. The flats. The flats were so lovely!!! The flats were absolutely colorful! It was cool though! Every flat was high and narrow had two floors and a white window per floor, and every flat had a different colour! One was pink, one like coral, one like sand, one was orange with green squares on it, one had black and white checked walls. So creative! I hadn’t expected that, really! I used to think Poland was a sad country, but I was wrong, because – at least in Poznan – there was a square that was a rainbow, really! A ray of sunshine! I really advice you to visit Poznan, wow!

Written by Alessia Dapoto | Student of “Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei” in Potenza (Italy)
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