Berlin: the European capital of future, innovation and human progress

An Italian PON student, Diego Briganti, sent us this article about his experience in Berlin at Berlink. Enjoy it! Berlin is the European capital of future, innovation and human...
Berlin European capital of future

An Italian PON student, Diego Briganti, sent us this article about his experience in Berlin at Berlink. Enjoy it!

Berlin is the European capital of future, innovation and human progress and for this our school decided to do here a internship with a PON project with fifteen students from our school, for the duration of one month.

Berlink is an agency that helped us find companies related to our field of studies, where we can learn other languages (like German and English) and improve our working skills. During our stay here, we have to implement a project for Berlink ETN Magazine, where the students are divided in three groups – two of them have to do an article and one a video, and each group needs to explain about our activities and experience here in Berlin.

The first group has to write an article, where they have to explain all about the cultural visits, organised by Berlink, that we are doing in our free time, especially on Saturday and Sunday. We do two types of activities: Cultural and professional visits. We are visiting museums (Museum Insel for example) or some city companies and recreational activities, like visiting historical places of the city (Brandeburger tor, Checkpoint Charlie, Eastside galler ecc..) or doing some groups sports with each other.

The second group has to do an article about the difficulties and problems that a student can face in a foreign country. For example they have to talk about the problems and challenges they are facing daily with the transportation in Berlin and reading signs in German language, difficulties during the internship and etc.

The third and last group has to do a video for Berlink ETN magazine and the official Youtube channel of the magazine. It must last two minutes and the main topic of it, is what should the students expect in the future when they come to Berlin to do this type of inthernship. I decided to work in the video team, because i think it could explain a topic better than an article for example, because it attracts the attention of who watches it, but in the same time a voice over explains to the auditory what they are seeing.

Learning by moving_English

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