ETN Animator

  • Portsmouth International Kite Festival with Rosa

    Each year, Portsmouth hosts the International Kite Festival(click here to know). This year there was the 26th edition and Rosa (our tireless ETN animator) thought it was a great idea to go with the students of Riccati school. Here are some photos to watch while listening to the U2 song. Kite,...
  • Great moments at Training Vision

    3 Italian schools (Russell Moro, Riccati and Serindform), 2 wonderful places (Spinnaker Tower and Historic Dockyard), 1 dynamic ETN animatori (Rosa)…and countless pictures to admire 3 scuole italiane (Russell Moro, Riccati e Serindform), 2 posti meravigliosi (Spinnaker Tower e Historic Dockyard), 1 animatrice piena di energia (Rosa) e…innumerevoli foto...
  • Portsmouth – Bournemouth 1 – 1

    After taking the lead thanks to Rosa’s goal, Training Vision Bournemouth equalizes the score with Giulia: fish and chips also for her and students from Galileo Galilei school of Borgomanero. And now back to the centre circle and let’s start again! Dopo essere passato in vantaggio con la rete...
  • Fish and chips at Training Vision (Portsmouth)

    Rose Rosae Rosa Rosam Rose Rosa (ETN animator) and students of Liceo Virgilio of Mussomeli (CL) (it’s up to you to declinate them:)) on Portsmouth Beach for the typical English Friday tradition. No, we’re not talking about lying defenceless on the counter of a pub…we are talking about fish and...
  • My Portsmouth experience with ETN

    Hi everybody! So glad to write again for ETN magazine, this time to talk about the great experience I had in Portsmouth just a few weeks ago. I initially thought this travel in England would be just a full immersion in English language and culture, during a language course...
  • Pirates at Sistema Turismo

    You read well! Pirates! No Caribbean and no Pequod (have you read Moby Dick, haven’t you?): they are Giada and Viktoria together with the Polish guys from ZSP Mszana Dolna during a pizza party at Bounty. What’s left to say? But “go get ’em, lads!”, of course! Avete letto...
  • ETN PHOTO CONTEST in Portsmouth

    Rosa, our ETN animator, with Hungarian students from the Pálffy miklós Trade Training School and the Italian students of Vittorio Emanuele (Jesi), around the streets of Portsmouth. To turn perfume into memories, spread youthful enthusiasm, wear and be Europe and, above all, to turn an instant into eternity thanks...
  • Mark it zero, Rosa! – Segna Zero, Rosa!

    Don’t worry Rosa, we are kidding! Walter from Big Lebowski (click here) is far away, so you can enjoy bowling and be relaxed. Together with the students from Turin (ASL Turin), Jesi (Vittorio Emanuele) and a young writer. And from Training Vision Portsmouth, that’s all for today Tranquilla Rosa,...
  • Jurassic Coast and Training Vision

    Have you ever visited the Jurassic Coast? If you haven’t, it’s time to make up for lost time. Giulia, ETN animator of Training Vision Bournemouth, went there with the students from JFK (Padova): the wind, the coastline and a funny host. Let’s discover it by watching these pics Siete...