Portsmouth International Kite Festival with Rosa

Each year, Portsmouth hosts the International Kite Festival(click here to know). This year there was the 26th edition and Rosa (our tireless ETN animator) thought it was a great...

Each year, Portsmouth hosts the International Kite Festival(click here to know). This year there was the 26th edition and Rosa (our tireless ETN animator) thought it was a great idea to go with the students of Riccati school.

Here are some photos to watch while listening to the U2 song. Kite, exactly.

Ogni anno Portsmouth ospita il Festival Internazionale degli Aquiloni (clicca qui per saperne di più: International Kite Festival). Quest’anno c’è stata la 26esima edizione e Rosa (la nostra instancabile ETN animator) ha pensato bene di andarci con i ragazzi della scuola Riccati.

Ecco alcune foto, da guardare ascoltando la canzone degli U2. Kite. Aquilone, appunto.







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