• Great moments at Training Vision

    3 Italian schools (Russell Moro, Riccati and Serindform), 2 wonderful places (Spinnaker Tower and Historic Dockyard), 1 dynamic ETN animatori (Rosa)…and countless pictures to admire 3 scuole italiane (Russell Moro, Riccati e Serindform), 2 posti meravigliosi (Spinnaker Tower e Historic Dockyard), 1 animatrice piena di energia (Rosa) e…innumerevoli foto...
  • Our famous couple at Training Vision

    After Mork and Mindy, Lennon-McCartney and Ginger and Fred, Training Vision has its famous couple too: it’s Rosa and Giulia, our two animators. After organizing quiz shows, karaoke evenings, bowling nights, trips to London, Winchester, Poole … after driving miles under the su… ehm … under the English sky...
  • Life is a quiz show at Training Vision

    Answers and winners walk hand in hand: especially during a music quiz night evening with Rosa with the Italian students of Russell Moro and  De Carolis. Was a dancing queen or a Queen song they were trying to guess? Was a beautiful song or the song “Beautiful”? Let’s wait...
  • Training Vision and a bit of Titanic

    Portsmouth is such a great city with lots of must-see places: you can go there and see it for yourself or you can follow Rosa’s adventures with Training Vision and make your desire grow bigger and bigger. Here she is in 3 famous Portsmouth iconic places (Natural Museum, Spinnaker Tower...
  • In Poole position with Training Vision

    Giulia never stops her enthusiasm for big and small things (the right attitude in life). On Tuesday she was in Poole with the Italian students of  Istituto Ettore Majorana, Liceo.Federico Albert and Serindform: a nice walk, a nice sky, a nice day. Giulia non ferma il suo entusiasmo per le...
  • Treasure Hunt at Training Vision Bournemouth

    Giulia and the now famous students of Fondazione per la scuola, Istituto di Istruzione superiore Federico Albert, Istituto Tecnico Industriale Ettore Majorana e Serindform are, in Giulia’s words…”ready…steady…” and GO! And we are ready to watch this video:        ...
  • Cannonball, Bowling ball…everybody in Portsmouth

    We are back at playing bowling with Rosa and Italian students from Russell Moro, Virgilio, De Carolis and Serindform schools. Portsmouth is the perfect scenario for a picture, a brilliant smile and a strange and neverending summer.  ...
  • On a windy day at Training Vision

    Giulia and the Italian students from Serindform, Formazione per la scuola and Liceo Galileo Galilei visiting the Jurassic Coast (here are some news about it). And fisheye lens to look be round and go around. Amd of course, stay tuned!  ...
  • ETN tra i 5 finalisti agli ST Star Awards di Londra 2017

    Siamo lieti di annunciarvi che, per il secondo anno consecutivo, siamo tra i 5 finalisti agli ST Star Awards 2017 di Londra nella categoria “Work Experience Provider”. E il presidente di ETN Luciano Marino ha un’altra importante novità da raccontare. Quale? Guardate il video e lo scoprirete!...