• Il circolo virtuoso di Tribeka – Tribeka’s virtuous circle

    La nostra Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager a Tribeka) sempre più a suo agio nel ruolo di talk show host, scambia due chiacchiere con la professoressa Elisabetta Paolozzi, a Malaga con i suoi ragazzi per un progetto Erasmus plus. Cosa si sono dette di interessante? Guardate l’intervista...
  • Uczniowie z Kościelca w Maladze

    Uczniowie z ZESPÓŁU SZKÓŁ ROLNICZYCH CENTRUM KSZTAŁCENIA USTAWICZNEGO W KOŚCIELECU odbyli praktykę w Maladze w lipcu 2018 roku w zawodach gastronomia, logistyka i ekonomia. Łukasz i Sylwia w towarzystwie nauczycielki Eweliny opowiadają o swoim doświadczeniu w Hiszpanii. Łukasz opowiada też dlaczego chciał pracować w dzień wolny....
  • Un grande gruppo a Tribeka! – Super grupa w Tribece

    La scuola Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr.1 w Tarnobrzegu è stata a Malaga con il progetto Erasmus+ Al progetto hanno partecipato 90 ragazzi di diversi settori (IT, advertising, turismo parrucchiere, gastronomia). L’esperienza è stata positiva per tutti e non vediamo l’ora di vederli di nuovo a Malaga 🙂 Ringraziamo i coordinatori...
  • From Portugal to Spain (to Malaga and Tribeka)

    Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager at Tribeka) is the voice that leads this interview with the teacher of the school Eprat (Portugal). They have been in Malaga with 4 students for an internship in the tourism sector. Let’s see how it’s going! Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and...
  • An interesting week at Tribeka – Video Interview

    Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager and great interviewer) is with the teachers of the Portuguese school Serafin Leite. They are in Malaga with the Erasmus+ Project and they have just had a week of professional visits. How did it go? Let’s listen and watch carefully while staying...
  • On the red sofa at Tribeka – Video interview

    Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager at Tribeka) and her interviews on the lovely red sofa in Malaga. This time she is with Giulia, Anais and Lisa, in Malaga fro an internship in the tourism sector. What are their thoughts, their expectations and their dreams? Let’s watch the...
  • Nice words can make a difference – Jedno dobre słowo może zmienić tak wiele

    A very special gift from school Rozanie (PL). Last week twenty students from Rozanie finished their intership with Tribeka Training Lab. They left us very nice gift and good memories as we had the chance to meet headmaster and together visit the companies. Thank you for this time and...
  • Tribeka: “Aprender Trabajando” – le interviste

    Si è da poco concluso il progetto “Aprender Trabajando”, realizzato dall’Istituto Tecnico e Professionale di Stato “Paolo Dagomari” di Prato nell’ambito dell’avviso PON MIUR 2017 per il potenziamento dei percorsi di Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro. 15 giovani studenti hanno avuto la possibilità di trascorrere un mese in Andalusia, a Malaga, e...
  • Goodbye from Tribeka

    Yesterday was the last meeting with a group from the Centrum Ksztalcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego in Sosnowiec. Their monthly stay in Spain is just coming to the end. All students finished their internships during which they gained a new experience at work, which, as they say, will surely help...