Ping pong at Training Vision

“Si vince e si perde…è il rischio che si corre con l’amore”…not only with love but with ping pong too! And Giulia, our ETN animator, is taking pictures of...

“Si vince e si perde…è il rischio che si corre con l’amore”…not only with love but with ping pong too!

And Giulia, our ETN animator, is taking pictures of the students from Presov and Padua (JFK) during their funny duel at the last ever point.

Bournemouth is holding its breath…and may the best team win!

“You win, you lose: it’s a chance you have to take with love”…e non solo con l’amore ma anche con il ping pong.

E la nostra Giulia, animatrice ETN,  fotografa i ragazzi di Presov e Padova (JFK) durante il loro divertente duello all’ultimo punto.

Bournemouth trattiene il fiato…che vinca il migliore!





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