ETN Magazine: the adventure goes on

In June 2016, when we started the ETN Magazine, we had the intention to create a special place where to bring together the dreams of the students and the certainties...

In June 2016, when we started the ETN Magazine, we had the intention to create a special place where to bring together the dreams of the students and the certainties of the adults; a place where to bring together the heartbeat for an imminent departure with the heartbeat for a project to be delivered within two hours.

A meeting where give and receive advice, points of views, authoritative opinions, funny lists to be taken seriously in order to draw a useful map for crossing the complex and fascinating sea of mobility.

We did it through 540 articles, 1,230 photographs, 244 videos, 80 interviews.

We did it by going around the world, climbing up in South America.

We showed the curiosity of the students during an internship, their expectations, their suitcases full of delicate certainties.

We have filmed the pride of teachers, their happiness at the end of a route that is always a new beginning.

We have hosted the opinion of our experts of ECVET and design and we have learned by moving and we have moved by learning.

We have been the voice of young talented writers and photographers of Talenti Neodiplomati and we will be all this and more in the course of this 2017 that’s just started.

It’s a promise, it’s a commitment and, why not, it’s fun.

Meanwhile … at our signal, unleash the video (and stay tuned)!



Laureato in Lingue e Letterature Straniere, ha vissuto a Torino, Barcellona, Valencia e Londra.
Appassionato di musica, letteratura, ricordi e sguardi fragorosi, in “Do you know that” scrive di elenchi, curiosità, consigli e viaggi (veri e immaginati).

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